Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Today's Word : As it is in Heaven

"Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
(Matthew 6:10, NIV)

God longs to give you a glimpse of heaven while you are here on earth. He wants to show you His wonderful plan and bring it to pass in your life. Have you ever thought about how God's will is accomplished in heaven? In heaven, God's will is automatic. There are no opposing forces of darkness or anything that can come against His will. On earth, His will is activated in our lives first when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior; and then we must choose to come into agreement with His will on a daily basis in our thoughts, our words, and our actions. On earth, we have to stand against the forces of darkness. We have to refuse those negative, self-defeating thoughts. As you open your heart to the Word of God and invite His will to be done in your life, you are becoming one with the Father. Ephesians six tells us that we are empowered by our union with Him.

Today, declare God's Word over your life. Declare that His will be done in your life. As you stand strong in your union with Him, you will overcome opposition and see His will in your life…as it is in heaven!


"Heavenly Father, I humbly come to You today and invite Your will to be done in my life. I submit every area of my heart to You. Let everything I say and do bring glory to You. In Jesus Name. Amen."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today's Word : Garment of Praise‏‏

"Provide for those who grieve…a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor"
(Isaiah 61:3, NIV)

What are you wearing today? Not on your physical body, but what's covering your mind and emotions? Are you clothed with despair and disappointment? Are you wearing "heaviness"?

If you've recently gone through a hurtful or disappointing situation, the Bible says there is a time to grieve. It's important to go through that process and release the hurt to God. But the Bible also says that God wants to give you a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness or despair. He wants to exchange your hurt for His healing. He wants to fill you with His peace and joy.

Are the garments of yesterday holding you back and weighing you down? Maybe it's time to exchange that heaviness for His garment of praise. Maybe it's time to release those heavy burdens. It's time to forgive those who have hurt you and begin to praise your way to victory! Just start right now by thanking Him for the life you have today. Thank Him for the opportunities today has to offer. Thank Him for the beautiful sunrise. When you wear that garment of praise, you'll stand strong and display His splendor all the days of your life!


"Heavenly Father, I humbly come to You asking that You take my old, heavy garments of despair and heaviness. Make me new today. Give me a garment of praise so that I can be a display of Your glory and splendor. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today's Word : For Your Sake

"The Lord isn't really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake…"
(2 Peter 3:9, NLT)

It doesn't take very long to discover that God's timing is not always our timing. It's easy to question and wonder why you've been waiting for your breakthrough for 15 years and your neighbor got their breakthrough in 15 minutes! In the Bible, Abraham waited 20 years for his promise, and in the upper room they waited about ten days. I don't know how long you'll have to wait, but you've got to understand that God has your best interest at heart. He is being patient for your sake. He's aligning things and waiting for the exact right moment! If you'll just continue waiting with the right attitude, then at the right time, God will bring it to pass.

Remember, God is always working behind the scenes for your good. Just because you don't see any changes taking place doesn't mean they aren't happening. Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping because you're breakthrough is coming for your sake!


"Father in heaven, today I choose to surrender all my questions, all my fears, and all my doubts. I know that You have only my best interest at heart. I trust You and believe that You are working behind the scenes for my sake. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today's Word : Your Appointed Time

"For the vision is yet for an appointed time…though it tarry, wait for it"
(Habakkuk 2:3 KJV)

God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams, and desires in your heart. Just because it has taken a long time or because you've tried and failed, doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Don't give up on those dreams! Don't be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. Our God is a faithful God. No matter how long it's been, no matter how impossible things looks, if you'll stay in faith, your appointed time is coming.

Remember, every dream that's in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it in there. And not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Hold on to that vision today by declaring, "My time is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!" As you continue to hold on to that vision and speak life over your dreams, you'll see them begin to take shape. You'll see your faith grow, you'll see your hope strengthen, and you'll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you!


"Father in heaven, I receive Your truth today. I receive Your promises today. I ask that You ignite my heart with Your holy fire so that I can pursue Your perfect plan for my life. Make my thoughts and words agreeable to Your will. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today's Word : Twice as Much

"Return to your fortress, o prisoners of hope, even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you"
(Zechariah 9:12, NIV)

God wants to bring to pass everything that He's promised to you! He longs to give you the deepest desires of your heart. He wants to restore to you twice as much as what's been stolen from you! But you have to do your part and stay filled with hope. That means that no matter how long you've been in that negative situation, no matter how many setbacks you've suffered; you've got to get up each day with the attitude that this could be the day God turns it all around!

The Bible says that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower. When you put your trust and hope in Him, you are in a fortress of strength. Nothing can steal your joy, peace, or enthusiasm. You are positioned for victory! You are positioned for power! And you are positioned to receive everything God has in store for you!


"Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank You for Your promise to restore every area of my life. I choose to be a prisoner of hope trusting in Your Name alone. I bless You today and always. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today's Word : He Increases Your Strength


"He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]"
(Isaiah 40:29, AMP)

In the Bible, Joseph went through seasons of difficulty. He was rejected by his family, sold into slavery, lied about, mistreated, abandoned, falsely accused, and thrown in jail. But through it all, Joseph never gave up. He kept pressing through and doing the right thing even though the wrong thing kept happening. The Bible says in Psalm 105 verse 18, as Joseph laid in prison in those chains of iron, his soul entered into that iron. In other words, as Joseph just kept on fighting life through, his soul became as strong as that steel. God developed a supernatural strength in him that no one could take away.

If you are going through difficulty today, God wants to increase your strength. He wants to increase your power to overcome. He wants to make your inner man as strong as steel. When you keep standing, keep believing, keep doing the right thing, you are opening yourself to God's supernatural strength. That's when you know you are growing in Him. Be strong today. Keep pressing forward because God is at work increasing strength in you so that you can live in victory in every area of your life!


"Father in heaven, today I surrender every difficulty to You. I release the questions, hurts, and frustrations. I choose to trust You and do the right thing. Increase Your strength in me so that I can live in the victory You have in store for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today's Word : Preparing for Promotion

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"
(John 16:33 NIV)

Are you going through a season of difficulty? Does it seem like for every step you take forward, you take two steps back? The Bible tells us that hard times and difficulty will come in this life, but we can rejoice because God promises us victory!

Whatever you may be facing today, make the decision that you are going to shake off negative thinking and trust that God is working behind the scenes. The more we trust Him and exercise our faith in Him, the more we are preparing ourselves for promotion. Focus on the fact that brighter days are just ahead. Weeping may endure for a night, but when you fight the good fight of faith, God promises that joy is coming in the morning! If you'll work with God, He'll take that adversity, turn it around, and use it for your good. It may be uncomfortable at times, but you've got to know that you are growing. God is maturing you. He is building character in you, and he is preparing you for the promotion and increase He has in store for your future!


"Heavenly Father, today I release all of my cares on You. I choose to focus on the blessings that You have given me. Search my heart today and remove anything that is displeasing to You. I bless You and honor You alone. In Jesus' Name. Amen."